Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Top Tunes
Brian (Football):
"Pretty Boy Swagg" - Soulja Boy
"I'm Not a Star" - Rick Ross
"Donald Trump" - Mac Miller
Damon (Golf):
"Eyeless" - Slipnot
"Voices" - Disturbed
"Determined" - Mudvayne
Reanna (Volleyball):
"Lose Yourself" - Eminem
"I Like It" - Enrique Iglesias (feat. Pitbull)
Gabby (Cheer):
"Dance (Remix)" - Big Sean (feat. Nicki Minaj)
"Slight Work" - Wale (feat. Big Sean)
"Rack City" - Tyga
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Lost Tracks: Disturbed is back with peviously hard to find material
The album is also their longest to date having 16 tracks instead of the usual 12. It also has little cohesivness with all of the songs sounding from a different era of Disturbed's history.
One might find the songs compilation uneven, but that's one of the things that make this album work. The lack of cohesiveness makes this album all the more enjoyable. The songs are themselves sometimes better than the songs released prominently on Disturbed's previous albums.
Keeping with the bands tradition of doing covers of other songs, the compilation offers two. "Midlife Crisis," a cover from Faith No More, and "Living After Midnight" a cover from Judas Priest. And also keeping with Disturbed's tradition, they do these covers superbly, giving them their own unique spin. It works so good, that one would think that the songs could have been originally theirs if not for the familiar lyrics and sound.
While "The Lost Children" may not get the big advertising as a new Disturbed studio release, for me, it's just as good as one. This is a must own for fans of Disturbed, and for people who like hard rock in general.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Survival Guide to High School
- Always check your shoes for toilet paper before you leave the bathroom
- Keep a planner to help keep track of you schedule
- Watch out for mud, especially when your wearing flip flops -_-
- Keep Advil and water in your bag at all times for the headaches you get after long lectures
- Don't text and walk at the same time
- Don't try and be cool, just be you(= !
- Be early on the first day of school. No one likes walking in and having everyone staring at you
- Keep food in your bag
- Befriend your locker buddy, so you have someone to run the mile with
- Don't get sucked into the "Freshman Drama"
- Take the honors classes. Its the best way to meet people who share the same goals as you and will help you through the hard times
- Don't be shy !
- Be nice to the upper classmates, but not over nice. (Don't suck up or be a push over)
- Get involved in a sport or join a club. Its the easiest way to meet new people
- ALWAYS and I mean Always keep a back up file for anything you type up for a class
- Don't take freshmen year as a joke. Keep your grades up
- Bring gum, nobody likes walking around after lunch with bad breath
And most of all remember down the road, you're going to remember the time you acted silly with your friends at the football game not the time you sat at home alone on Friday night and did nothing. So don't worry about looking dumb, act silly have fun. Leave high school with no regrets(=
Friday, October 28, 2011
So You want a JOB?
With the holiday season coming up, who's thinking about jobs? I know I am. A lot of places are willing to hire seasonal, so get to applying. Before you do though, look at these tips I found from this website:
Practice answering interview questions and practice your responses to the typical job interview questions and answers most employers ask. Think of actual examples you can use to describe your skills. Providing evidence of your successes is a great way to promote your candidacy.
Prepare a response so you are ready for the question "What do you know about our company. Know the interviewer's name and use it during the job interview. If you're not sure of the name, call and ask prior to the interview. Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions.
Get Ready
Make sure your interview attire is neat, tidy and appropriate for the type of firm you are interviewing with. Bring a nice portfolio with copies of your resume. Include a pen and paper for note taking.
Be On Time
Be on time for the interview. On time means five to ten minutes early. If need be, take some time to drive to the office ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going and how long it will take to get there.
Stay Calm
During the job interview try to relax and stay as calm possible. Take a moment to regroup. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Listen to the entire question before you answer and pay attention - you will be embarrassed if you forget the question!
Show What You Know
Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions. When discussing your career accomplishments match them to what the company is looking for.
Follow Up
Always follow-up with a thank you note reiterating your interest in the position. If you interview with multiple people send each one a thank you note.
Where's the Halloween spirit?
"Trick or Treat."
What ever happened to this memory? Is it packed away in the box with all of your costumes and fake blood? It seems as if we've outgrown what was one of our favorite holidays.
As the years go by, less houses decorate, less people dress up, and less parents taking their children out for their first trick or treating. More and more houses are refusing to answer their doors every year. But Why?
With so many children and adults getting out of the Halloween spirit, it's going to take all of us that still eagerly await this event to keep it alive. Those of us that don't just plan parties and social events to boost our social status and popularity must work to keep the real fun of this holiday.
For me, the fun of Halloween is not just getting the candy, or the parties, or even the traditional jack-o-lantern. The fun on Halloween is dressing up as something you aren't, and could possibly never be.
And you have to admit, even as a teenager or adult it's fun to be someone or something that you've never been before. But fewer and fewer people are taking part in this activity anymore. And as the tradition begins to die, so does the memory. As well as the hope of it ever making a comeback.
So everyone that still holds their childhood Halloween memories near and dear, and still continues to relive them with a stick of eyeliner and white face paint should keep this memory alive. Don't let this holiday collect dust on a shelf. Don't let Halloween die.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Adrianna Owens: Instincts
But, walking around campus, I received a couple of those stares, and yes, even a few laughs. I turned hesitantly, as I heard the various whispers and chuckles. As I looked around with a nervous expression, my friend noticed and said, "take off that hat and maybe people wouldn't say anything."
Even though I heard the humor in her voice, it still hurt. But, it was true. Because, I was sporting a unicorn hat. Yes, a knit unicorn hat, with a fluff of rainbow hair and everything.
But I couldn’t get past the fact that I was being targeted. And my mind couldn't keep the reoccurring questions away. They just kept coming. All I could think was... why?
Why were people so caught up in what I had on my head?
Why did it matter to them?
I left my questions rhetorical, because I was unsure of the answers. Now, I have come to a conclusion.
They're human. It's just instinct. People like to stare.
They like to see different things, things that they don't see everyday. They might not like these unordinary items, nor consider making them a part of their life. But, there will be more "unicorn hats" in their future. And I will be in possession of uniqueness all of my life. With that being said, this isn’t the last time I will be laughed at or whispered about.
It's nothing I should have been ashamed of, or mad at. It was a time for me to show the real me. The me that isn't afraid of what people think. The me that is willing to put on the unicorn, and walk around, knowing that people will act on their instincts. The me that doesn't care.
Alyssa Marie: Growing Pains
I'm pretty sure many students out there can relate to what I'm saying. You go from everything is easy-peasy, to everything feels like it's falling apart. When I say falling apart I don't mean in the sense that it's ruining your life..(well maybe), but in the sense that you "feel" that things around are crumbling down on you because suddenly everyone is depending on you to achieve something. As if you're no longer that little kid that had it easy. You're now this grown up human being trying to juggle everything in their life. With all these responsibilities, it's like you dont feel like a teenager anymore because everyone expects you to act like a grown up. They want you to leave behind your childish ways and grow up. They wont settle for less because they expect you can do better. Whether or not we want to, there's always going to be that one thing that's going to remind you to grow up: yourself. You let yourself do whatever people tell you to do because you not only want to please them but also yourself. YOU want to give yourself a gold star sticker. YOU want to feel good about yourself. It's not the outer forces, but its the inner forces challenging you. No one can stress you out but yourself. No one can tell you to grow up, but yourself.
Friday, August 19, 2011
FaithHarris: Eating Disorders
I did a lot of research on these disorders, and though I didn't really use many stats in my actual article, I really want to share them with you guys. I managed to narrow it down, so here are some interesting findings: (Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders)
*50% of those with eating disorders meet the criteria for depression
*only 1 in 10 men or women with disorders seek specialized help
*Men are less likely to seek help because of the perception that it is a "womans disease"
How To cope with a disorder:
1. Recognize the problem
2.Seek help
3. Stick to the treatment
4. Create a supportive enviornment
There's many more interesting sites, so do your own research sometime!
If you know anyone with an eating disorder, Alexandra Caspero is eager to meet students.
Go to Healthy Start and make an appointment for yourself or a friend.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Fanatical Faith: JUST DANCE[=
Sunday, March 6, 2011
That Religious Guy: A Belated Goodbye

..... Today is definitely a day of mourning. Last Monday, our generation lost another one of its barely blooming individuals, Jera Machuca, a person taken before her time. As a journalist, she helped make The Stagg Line a great publication. As a student, she donated her time to various extracurricular activities. As a friend, she was always there with a kind word. It's never an easy reality to overcome when someone disappears forever, gone through the thin line between life and death, between this world and the next. But as time passes, wounds heal and circumstances change. We all must continue the race of existence and must inevitably lose some companions along the way.
..... Now I'm not going to compose an eloquent elucidation about the mysteries of life and why people die. Though I'm a devout Roman Catholic, I am as clueless as the most ardent atheist. I know not what lies beyond, what is waiting on the other side. As a religious person, I may have an inkling, but I certainly do not have all the answers.
..... I must admit that Jera and I were never close friends, a fact that can sadly never change. We were merely acquaintances both on staff and in our casual lives. Yet, the most vivid memory I have of her is something mundane, something personal. I simply remember a time when we were both in charge of cleaning the counter tops in the journalism room. We made small talk and we helped each other out. Of course, this memory may not seem so great to anyone else, but it's something that will stay with me. I will always remember that Jera was always open to others and was always eager to assist in any way.
..... Today at 5 pm, Jera's friends and family will be praying the rosary at Frisbee-Warren & Carroll Mortuary. It didn't hit me until today that she was really gone, spirited away from this earth. Hopefully I'll be able to attend the rosary and pray for Jera's soul and for the consolation of her family. Maybe then I can make my belated goodbye complete, my overdue farewell to a friend I hardly knew. But I'm careful not to use the phrase "final goodbye" because as long as someone's memory remains with you, they live on. It's a cliche that should comfort all of us when we come face to face with our own mortality. Ultimately, Jera will continue to be in my prayers for years to come.
May God bless her and her family,
- Jeremy Dela Cruz
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Clear and Present Damon: Doctor Who-a Celebration:Part 3- the 80's

Sunday, February 20, 2011
That Religious Guy: Smokey Francisco (SF)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Clear and Present Damon: Doctor Who: A Celebration- Part 2- the 70's

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Clear and Present Damon: Doctor Who: a Celebration:Part 1 ; the 1960's

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Fanatical Faith: Behind the scenes[=
I'm writing 2 stories for the Stagg Line's next issue. First, I'm going to write for our front page. I'll be doing a mini story on the student reaction to the Radical Reality assembly along with how some freshman coped with going to the heart wrenching assembly AND Point Break.
The 2nd story I will be doing is an opinion story on the argument for gender seperation at two of our local elementary schools. So let me tell you how each of these is going:
For my news story, I started by talking to lots of freshman, and I still have quite a few to go. So far, I've been hearing that it was sad, and that a few people actually left with a lot to think about. I was glad to hear that it was inspirational.
I know it was for me, at least. I walked out of the gym almost in tears and wanting to turn my life around, even though I really had nothing to change. I'd never let myself get involved in the world of drugs and alcohol. Yes, the speakers were really that powerful.
Anyway. I plan on going to talk to some sports fans and getting their reactions. So, if you're into sports (especially you Dallas Braden fans) , you should let me know. I'm interested to hear what you guys have to say.
Let's not forget about my other story, though. Ugggh! Gender seperation in schools... Can the district get any more ridiculous? How do they expect students to be okay with this? Scratch that... How can they expect parents to be okay with this?
The district wants to make Nightingale elementary an all-boy's school and make Monroe elementary an all-girls school. This is to improve test scores. Do you think it would improve anything at all?
I think that they should definitely do something about the low test scores, but i don't think seperating males and females would help at all. In fact, it would probably be more of a distraction because it'd be so wierd.
Well, I don't want to give away my stories, so I'm going to shut up before I do. Don't forget to read the next issue of the Stagg Line Newspaper! It'll be out on March 04 2011. Read all about it[=
Saturday, January 29, 2011
That Religious Guy: All the world in your webcam!
..... Whoever said that one couldn't see the world while staying at home was definitely living under a rock.
..... But of course, if he was living under a rock, he probably couldn't see the world, so we'll forgive him this time. That's the beauty of aboveground housing: Internet capabilities. As in many posts, I tend to digress and meander, making my way by some sheer luck to the whole point of why I'm writing... Skype!
..... Skype is not only a great way to distract friends from home work on a Saturday afternoon but is also a tool to get to know people from other countries. I've met a few individuals online on forums and Facebook groups myself. It's one thing to talk to someone online via IMs or e-mail but it's another thing to actually speak face-to-face. Of course, I don't recommend simply going online and meeting total strangers. Get smart before you Skype with someone!
..... There's basically two different ways to use Skype: the call function and the video call option. The former is basically a hands-free telephone; you'll be talking to the other person using you're webcam's mike. This is probably the safest and less expensive way to get to know people from other countries. No more racking up the phone bill with calls to France... In order to utilize the video call function, one needs a webcam however. This feature allows you to actually see the person you're conversing with and so it's like you're speaking to them in person. I do want to stress once again that people should be familiar with Internet etiquette and such before meeting random people online!
..... From speaking with "foreigners" (a word which I place in quotation marks since it's sounds negative) on Skype, I've learned a lot about how others perceive America and our values. Practically everybody I've met from the UK to Canada loves Barack Obama... One also gets to hear different accents and forms of slang (i.e. in Canada, people say "settle your kettle" to say "calm down"), which is something we language nerds love! All in all, Skype allows people to become well-rounded in terms of knowledge about the world. You also get to appreciate fun facts you pick up along the way like how the British refer to AP Calculus as Further Pure 1-2. Sounds so futuristic right?
..... Any technology like Facebook and Skype, however, has it's cost: safety. Be sure to get to know the person you want to talk to on Skype before actually calling them. Anyways, one can always have fun simply speaking to friends from school so people, Skype on!
- Jeremy Dela Cruz
Friday, January 14, 2011
Fanatical Faith: "The Dei Rossis"
For the most recent issue of the Stagg Line (Distributed January 28th) I decided to take on the story of the Dei Rossi's for our features page. I went into the interview thinking it would be a simple love story about how these two teachers came to be together. Once they started talking, I immediately knew it was going to be much more. I quickly noticed how perfect this couple was together, and it made me further realize the importance of compromise and understanding. Not only in a romantic relationship, but in a friendship as well. In order for people to get along, there has to be that sense of "give and take."
The Dei Rossi's are a perfect example of this: Erica doesn't mind doing laundry if Kyle prepares their lunches. And even though she's not the biggest sports fan, Erica agrees to grade students work while Kyle cheers for his teams.
Though these may seem like small things, they're extremely important in any kind of a relationship. These kinds of agreements, combined with a great deal of unsderstanding, make for a more mutual relationship. With this sense of togetherness, it's almost inpossible to feel controlled.
Even our high school couples could benefit from trying to compromise. Rather than seeing the chick flick that the girlfriend wants to see, or the horror film that the boyfriend wants to see, why not see a comedy?
Small compromises like these can help a relationship better than you'd think. Always having one person make decisions, or having everything going one persons way is no way to have a relationship. If one of them feel like they have no part in the relationship, they may not be happy in it, and they may feel controlled.
Compromise takes a lot of patience and a lot of practice, but it will definitely better any kind of realationship. The Dei Rossi couple showed me that. They are so happy, and it's because they know what it means to give and take.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
That Religious Guy: Perfect Rhythm
..... About an hour later, I gave my new size 11 Dr. Scholl’s Relays out for a spin. That’s right. No fancy jogging gear for me. Just some cheap footwear from WalMart which comes in a wide selection of vibrant colors: red or blue. I chose blue.
..... So for the past few days, I’ve been trying to squeeze in a few bursts of running into my daily routine. I usually run at night. Maybe it’s because I don’t want to be seen huffing and puffing. Maybe it’s because it was nighttime when I purchased my shoes. Maybe it’s a mixture of both reasons. Anyways, I simply prefer the cool, evening Stockton air when I’m running in my Stagg shorts.
..... Tonight, however, was no ordinary night. Tonight, I realized a couple of things about my personality. Tonight, I found some temporary peace in my currently fast-paced life.
..... As you all may know, the seniors have less than five months left of high school. Before you guys pat us on the shoulders and tell us how lucky we are, just remember this: once high school ends, a whole chapter of our lives does to.
..... Amid all the college applications and scholarship essays, my life has been pretty hectic for some time now. I’m experiencing a wide array of emotions, from jealousy because my friends are already receiving acceptance letters while I have yet to receive mine to fear because I’m afraid I’ll be losing some of the greatest people I’ve ever known…
..... Running tonight helped me gain some momentary peace for a while. I’ve always enjoyed running. Ever since sophomore year with the cross-country team, my passion for the activity has grown. When I run I try to achieve what I like to call the perfect rhythm. It involves maintaining a brisk speed, while inhaling through my nose and exhaling through my mouth. So when I’m running, it sounds a lot like “Sniff sniff, huff huff.” Breathing too much will give me a stomach cramp while not breathing enough will just make me fall into a dead heap. Finding a middle ground is the key, finding the perfect rhythm is my goal.
..... I guess what I’ve learned from tonight’s run is basically that I need to find my own perfect rhythm when it comes to life in general. I need to stop comparing myself to others (especially to my evil arch nemesis, Jose J., who also doubles as my best friend) and to stop overloading my plate with too many projects. Life is hard as it is without making it more difficult. All I need to do is just go through life at my own pace.
- Jeremy Dela Cruz