....If immigrants want to come here and become citizens wouldn't that make them Americans. What standards does an individual have to live up to become an American? I think if we find a beneficial way, like the DREAM Act, to make illegal immigrants citizens, they'll be contributing to the U.S. Through the DREAM Act students, who are illegal immigrants, can graduate and pay taxes. So how would that be taking away a job and not contributing? If anything it would lead to a more stable nation because instead of hiring teachers and engineers from other countries we would have people in the U.S would have the job.
....We also have to look at the humanity of the situation. People are trying to get away to a place where they are able to get more opportunity. I know my grandma had to leave my mother and her 3 siblings behind for 10 years in order to bring them over legally. Imagine all the families being separated by this issue. And the kids that are brought over illegally should not be held morally responsible.
....People have the perception that illegal immigrants have to only come from Mexico. What about the people that come from Asia or even Canada. The Canadian border has not reported to have half as much police as the Mexican border. Or people associate illegal immigrants with jumping a fence. What people don't know is individuals who overstay their visas qualify as an illegal immigrants. It is because of the typical media coverage. we need to research for ourselves and not rely on hear say.
....Although I was born in America I can sympathize with what immigrants have to go through. If we shut immigrants out we are shutting out what made America so diverse.