The sale of disability dolls are becoming popular, however some think they rather define people and not provoking the ideal of equality. And now with the change of Dora the Explorer, it has become the battle of the parents.
Girls' role models are leading a trail beyond the candy and curvy plastic parts: Truth. I find the disability dolls very cute and actually quite caring. The dolls are not pigeonholing people to where they say, "Well you're different so you might as well play with this." It's saying who you are is not to be ashamed of and difference is a good thing. Why must we keep playing the twisting of the equal card? We are equal beings as no one is better than another, but we share different traits and purposes to the world. The dolls are only comforting girls who feel they must have the Bratz outrageous lips and Barbie pointy bosoms to become loved and considered beautiful. Society has said enough with what beauty is and the dolls are assuring that true beauty starts with loving yourself.

To wrap these two situations up-why shed actuality with tons of sugar? Beauty is beyond looks and age is an uncontrollable natural way of life. You can't hide everything when you know for certain it'll come out sooner or later. And now a cheap way to end my discussion, but relevant towards our time: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
hey j-man, what it do? love the writing. check out my stuff yo. =]
ReplyDeleteUmm, Alex I think Alisya wrote this blog hehehehe... Unless you now refer to her as the J-Man to?