Wednesday, May 6, 2009

American Idol have Paula Abdul and No Doubt

Paula Abdul has had the chance to perform for the first time on the American Idol stage, however she chose to lip sync. If you had the chance to perform on the stage, why would you choose to sync it all? Paula also went back to her 80's style, but the young, sexy chick she tried to become, seemed foolish. She tried to prove she was still a hottie, but I doubt she needed to dance in such a provacative manner.

No Doubt also performed tonight. Gwen Stefani on the otherhand took advantage and rocked with her old band. She went back to her beloved roots dancing and singing with her punk attire. The good ol' nineties right? It was said they are back on tour and becoming one again. I wouldn't want to miss my chance to seeing this band on T.V. or in person any time soon!

Overall, Paula Abdul rocked a performance, but compared to Britney Spears; not in a total bad way, I actually enjoy the Spears family. No Doubt showed spirit and, in my opinion, are like U2. Sorry for those who have to hear me go on and on to one of my favorite fans, but when it comes to music, the best time to express it is with others who you love and care for. It's music chemistry!

1 comment:

  1. Paula did the worst lip sync performance of the season; oh the irony...
