...While most look at the weekend as an opportunity to sleep in, I view it as more hours to have difficulty sleeping. Most of my friends tell me they have problems getting up in the morning and I tell them how I have difficulty sleeping in past 6:30 a.m. This is a daily thing for me. I actually try to go to sleep at 8:30 or 9:00 p.m, it does not work out I end up sleeping around 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning.
... Insomnia is defined as difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both. Insomnia is common and 30% to 50% of the general population suffer from it. Insomnia occurs in all age groups and increases with age. I guess that means more bad news for me, right? Different classifications of insomnia depend on sleep hygiene, medical conditions, sleep disorders, stress factors and other things.
... Then I decided to look up causes for insomnia and besides coming across obvious reasons like physical discomfort, drug use, or stress, I saw caffeine intake prior to going to bed. Um, shouldn't that be self-evident? But, who knows some do lack common sense. Another statement I saw for a cause was using the bedroom for things other than sleeping. Doesn't that statement just make your mind wonder off? It probably took a couple of minutes for you to come back and focus on the blog. It is ok I forgive you. But the site I went to, http://www.medicinenet.com/insomnia/article.htm, should really elaborate on that.
... Anyway there are three main types of insomnia according to formal sleep studies. The first is Psychophyslological insomnia, say that five times fast. That is when learned behaviors prevent sleep, for example constant racing thoughts and increased mental thoughts while trying to fall asleep. This represents 15% of people who undergo testing. The next is Idiopathic insomnia, a childhood onset insomnia or life-long insomnia. This is uncommon and only affects 1% that undergo testing. The last is paradoxical insomnia is known for its sleep state misconception. People with this type might go and complain of insomnia but when tested have a normal sleep pattern.
... Guess I just have to deal with it. I'm sure I won't have problems after this last week of school. If you find that you can relate and need more information just google insomnia all the information you have to read will solve your sleep deprivation. 

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