..... Ok this'll just be a short blog hee hee. Guess what? As of yesterday officially I guess, I am now the Press and Publicity Manager for catholicpriest.me.uk . Look they even have me listed on the site itself! Yowza!
..... For those of you not in the know, I wrote a short little vocational story for the Web site and have kept some contact with their online core team. So I was checking my e-mails on Friday (The Homecoming Parade) and noticed I got an e-mail from the site saying they needed a press and publicity person because the site has been getting popular. Well they had me in mind! But the e-mail was old, being sent a month ago. I wasn't sure if the position was still available, but I still inquired and low and behold, Jeremy becomes the P/P Manager, in charge of popularizing the site by spreading its link or review around the Web.
..... So the moral to this story is to always check your e-mails! Be neat, be clean, even on the Web. Also, go out there and spread your wings. Try new things and by doing so, try to help others out too. Being religious, I think by helping out this particular site, I'm doing a service for the church. It's basically a Web site that says it's ok for teens to talk about having a vocation to the priesthood. The site is run by teens for teens, a trait that as far as I know, is unique to us among vocational sites. We get around 700 hits a day and get visitors from around the world now. The site is hosted in the UK, but its core team hails from the U.S., Canada, and other regions.
..... This is me in my professional voice talking now hahaha: For all those readers or bloggers out there, try to review us on your blog and offer our link anywhere you have a Web presence. That means Myspace profiles *cough* *cough*, Facebooks, and others! :]
- Jeremy Dela Cruz, Press and Publicity Manager
Love your enthusiasm Jeremy - well done!