Tuesday, September 29, 2009

RANDOMora: Sarah Palin "Going Rogue" coming this holiday season

While watching my daily dose of "The View" this morning, I heard Sarah Palin, partner in crime to John McCain's presidential campaign, was releasing her book this holiday season. (Oh Santy, will you please?)

Reading up on this, I realize, what does she have to say, knowing that it'll be 400 pages? Now, I don't bash on politicians unless they back stab me wrong, so I'm really curious if whether I should consider buying this mysterious book. (That depends on the cost of course.)

It would enlighten me on the otherwise moose-hunting, fly-fishing persona we all picked up when first introduced. Oh, how I will never be so pleased when she crossed the scene as McCain's "Weapon XI." That's a reference to X-Men, keep up.

On ABC NEWS Jonathan Burnham of HarperCollins told the Associated Press it's "her words, her life and it's all there in full and fascinating detail." Or could it be just some Miley memoir: Completely ridiculous?

Well, let's just wait before we talk about something we aren't entirely sure about yet. Who knows, what if it becomes a best-seller?!

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